Cartographies of Change
Cartographies of Change is a public, crowd-sourced knowledge platform to map trends and speculations about what a post-crisis society might look, feel and sound like.
We collect and cluster inputs from contributors across regions, sectors and communities to gather diverse perspectives on two guiding questions: What are the threads that make up the fabric of a just and sustainable future? What are the developments that might shape it?
The collected data is co-curated regarding probability and impact in order to build a shared understanding of the diverse and possibly contradictory entries. We aim to interweave thoughts, knowledge and perspectives on possible futures across generations and cultures.
The resulting interactive map will be made publicly accessible.
Community Interplay Series
The Community Interplay Series aims at stimulating and opening our perspectives by fostering human connections between change-creating communities across Europe and the Mediterranean.
In three interactive Community Interplay Sessions, we strive to explore our sense of belonging in our communities, the role that communities play in advancing society, and the change that we can achieve together rather than alone. The current challenges ask for new ways of cooperating and co-creating with one another. Through a playful program, we share our hopes and concerns and form new bonds while collectively envisioning sustainable futures.
Participation is open to members of the Responsible Leaders Network and selected communities.
Responsible Leaders Sessions
The Responsible Leaders Sessions are a leadership program curated and co-created by the team behind Interweaving Change. They are an open exploration for selected leaders to interconnect, intertwine and interweave their individual paths.
Over the course of four consecutive virtual gatherings, new patterns may come to the surface through the interweaving of threads of change – helping us envision a just and sustainable future from a holistic perspective and aiding our inquiry into what kind of leadership it takes for this just and sustainable future to emerge. The process is not aiming for solutions, but rather for a space of opportunities and resolutions, in order to cultivate a fertile breeding ground for new modes of change.
Participation is on invitation only.
The Fabric of New Beginnings
The interactive knowledge map emerging from Cartographies of Change as well as our observations over the course of three Community Interplays and four Responsible Leaders Sessions culminate in the Fabric of New Beginnings.
The Fabric of New Beginnings is a collection of individual and collective dreams and aspects of a sustainable and just future that will be exhibited to open up the process of Interweaving Change.We intend to give an impetus for change and commitment by means of participative public display. The exhibition will include the co-creative contributions from the Responsible Leader Sessions, the Community Interplay Series and the crowdsourcing platform Cartographies of Change. These contributions will be interwoven in order to maintain a long-term framework for leading toward hopeful planetary visions – visions that interconnect the individual and the collective, the local and the global, the human and the non-human.
The Fabric of New Beginnings will be presented as part of the BMW Foundation’s Munich European Forum and at the exhibition Hypertopia at STATE Studio in the fall of 2020.